



Your 定期寿险 policy premium is about to convert to annually renewable. 现在?

当你购买pp王者电子官网的时候, the premium was for a specific amount of time – usually 10, 20或30年. 如果你在这段时间结束后不采取任何行动, 或术语, your policy automatically changes over to an annual renewable policy.

这 means that your policy premiums automatically renew each year, 而且pp王者电子官网费每年都会增加.

When your current term premium changes over, you have choices:

1) Convert your current 定期寿险 insurance policy to permanent coverage例如整个生命或宇宙生命.

  • Provides lifelong protection (as long as your premiums are paid on time).
  • pp王者电子官网金额的水平保费.
  • 初始保费高于定期寿险.
  • 建立你可以借债的价值.1
  • The process is simple - just answer a few questions and sign your name.


  • 选择10年、20年或30年的pp王者电子官网.
  • 初始保费较永久寿险低.
  • 不创造现金价值.

3)什么都不做,延长现行政策. If you take no action, your current policy automatically renews for one year. 这可能不是你最负担得起的选择.

Before you choose an option, sit down with your State Farm® agent. Together you can talk about what’s right for your family and budget.

保费变动前的任何一天. You should have received notification of your policy renewal date by email or letter. 如果您想确认此保单续保日期, 请联系你的州立农场代理.

Your policy premium automatically becomes annually renewable. 这 will likely result in a premium increase, you can expect increases every year. 这可能不是你最负担得起的选择.

首先,探索你的选择. 我们在statefarm上提供了很多资源.com®.

然后一定要联系你的州立农场代理. After the two of you discuss your personal life insurance needs, 你的代理人会帮助你调整你的pp王者电子官网范围.

State Farm® life insurance provides a death benefit that can help you:

  • 维持家庭的生活水平
  • 支付账单——比如住家、买车和学费
  • Permanent life insurance like 整个人生 or 普遍的生活 build cash value that you can use during your lifetime 1

As you consider your life insurance needs, why not check out our 简单的见解? 这 article helps you understand how much insurance you may need, why.

That’s a highly individual decision based on your responsibilities and your priorities. To help you sharpen your focus on your life insurance needs, we created our 定期人寿pp王者电子官网续期问卷. 在你完成这个练习之后, a State Farm agent can explain your options in greater detail and help you select the one that best aligns with your life and your budget.

是的. The cost of insurance is determined by a number of factors, including your age. 从你10岁起, 20或30年 older than you were when you purchased your current policy, 你可以预期你的pp王者电子官网费会上涨. 如果您选择购买另一份10年期的定期保单, 20或30年以上的覆盖范围, 你的pp王者电子官网费将在该期限结束时再次上涨.

一个好处是 整个人生 pp王者电子官网是终身保费. 这 means that your premium payment will be the same for the rest of your life (as long as your policy is in force).

Your life has likely changed in the years since you purchased your current policy. 例如, you may have added to your family since you bought that policy, so you might want more death benefit coverage today to anticipate tuition payments. 另一方面, the child who was in Kindergarten 20 years ago may be out on their own now, 所以你可能会决定你需要更少的pp王者电子官网.

Perhaps you have moved into a larger home with a bigger mortgage or have downsized into a smaller home for your retirement years. Your policy can be designed to provide the right level of protection you need to fit your current lifestyle. 你的财务状况也应该是一个考虑因素. 生活 insurance can help replace lost income due to premature death for a period of time. If your salary has increased over time, perhaps you should increase your coverage accordingly.

As you consider your life insurance needs, why not check out our 简单的见解? 这 article helps you understand how much insurance you may need, why.


We hope this answers your questions about the upcoming changes to your 定期寿险 insurance policy. 如果你想了解更多细节, 请联系你的州立农场代理.


我们的 seven-question Term 人寿pp王者电子官网 Renewal questionnaire is a good place to start looking at some key factors that can impact coverage, 成本和你未来的人寿pp王者电子官网决策.


1 Permanent life insurance develops cash value that can be borrowed. Policy loans accrue interest and unpaid policy loans and interest will reduce the death benefit and cash value of the policy. The amount of cash value available will generally depend on the type of permanent policy purchased, 购买的pp王者电子官网金额, 支付pp王者电子官网费, the length of time the policy has been in force and any outstanding policy loans. 政策性贷款可能涉及税收问题. 州立农场的代理人不提供税务或法律咨询. Please consult your tax or legal advisor regarding your specific circumstance.

Each State Farm insurer has sole financial responsibility for its own products.

State Farm 人寿pp王者电子官网 Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI)
State Farm 生活 and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI)