Couple looking at an investment portfolio.

Will you have enough saved by retirement age?

你知道你需要存钱,但要存多少? 估计你未来的退休收入.

你去过吗? 为退休储蓄 without a clear idea of how much money you'll need to live on? If so, estimating your retirement income needs should be your next step.

2018年退休信心调查 by the Employee Benefit 研究 Institute found that 24% of workers are not at all confident they will have enough money for a comfortable retirement. That's a lot of people facing an uncertain stage at the end of their lives. If you don't want to be among them, take action now.


Most retirees want to maintain their standard of living during retirement. To accomplish this, financial experts say you'll need between 70-80% of your pre-retirement income. So, for example, a couple earning $60,000 per year would need between $42,000 ($60,000 x .70美元)和48,000美元(60,000美元x .80)退休期间每年.

为什么少了? 退休 typically triggers a number of changes in spending patterns. Your cost of living will change if you've paid off your mortgage and other loans, your children have finished college and moved away, or you no longer have working- and business-related expenses. Plus, you'll no longer be contributing to retirement plans.

Of course, your specific situation will dictate the amount of money you'll need to live on. You may need more money than you anticipate. 医疗保健费用增加了, and you could possibly use up a greater portion of your income than you planned to ensure your insurance needs are met. 也, you'll have more time to do the things you love, so you may spend significantly more on leisure activities, 比如旅行, 娱乐和爱好.


In addition, you need to take into consideration how long you might live. People are generally in better health and living longer, more active lives than ever before. According to the Social 安全 Administration, a man reaching age 65 today can expect to live to 84; a woman, 87. Those are only averages — one in 10 people will live past age 95.

With so many factors to consider, estimating retirement needs can be difficult. 我们的 退休的计算器 是一个好的开始吗. 看看你是否步入正轨, 回答几个关于你的目标的问题, 你现在存了多少钱, 还有你的退休收入来源.

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